Therapeutic Services
So you are finally ready to move forward, but are unsure how to proceed. All that you are certain of is that you are sick and tired of the lack of validation provided by your current situation. You can recognize what it feels like to be on top of your game – because you have been there before, but then life happened – a recent divorce, a change in employment, the loss of a loved one, a break-up, burnout, illness, etc…! Searching for ways to regain your footing, you have tried vision boards, affirmations, positive thinking, etc…, but with no sustained or permanent solutions, you are searching for assistance to reach your goals.
Dr. Brown offers private consultation services that are therapeutic in nature and are designed to give you one-on-one attention either in the privacy of her office or after an initial in-person visit, meeting via Skype. A one and a half hour consultation will provide ample time to explore the challenges you are facing, as well as, the opportunity to get to know one another to determine if this process is the best approach to meet your needs. If it is your desire to finally resolve and move past barriers that have been holding you back, please feel free to contact Dr. Brown to make an appointment.
Schedule your 90 minute in-office consultation!
Call today to schedule your 90 minute consultation!